I blink-182 al Musink 2018

I blink-182 hanno suonato al Musink nella serata di sabato, 17 marzo 2018.

Travis Barker era già salito sul palco nella serata di venerdì per suonare Nowheresville con gli Strung Out.

Nella galleria fotografica dedicata al Musink ci sono sia le foto delle prove che del concerto dei blink-182.

I blink-182 hanno cambiato un po’ la scaletta rispetto agli ultimi concerti.

  1. Cynical
  2. Anthem Part Two
  3. Feeling This
  4. The Rock Show
  5. Bored To Death
  6. Built This Pool
  7. What’s My Age Again?
  8. Down
  9. I Miss You
  10. Josie
  11. First Date
  12. Don’t Leave Me
  13. Stay Together For The Kids
  14. Dumpweed
  15. She’s Out Of Her Mind
  16. Violence
  17. Heart’s All Gone
  18. Kings Of The Weekend
  19. Family Reunion
  20. Los Angeles
  21. All The Small Things
  22. Brohemian Rhapsody
  23. Dammit



Los Angeles

@musink_tatfest was insane tonight! #FamousFamily @blink182 shut it down proper to a sold out crowd. @travisbarker @markhoppus and @matttskiba, dudes crushed it.
Looking forward to night number 3 tomorrow. 🎥: @fog.again
#Famous #Blink182 #Musink2018 #LosAngeles


Il Musink ha pubblicato un breve video riepilogativo della seconda giornata del festival.

Day 2 was one for the books! Amazing times with @blink182 @goodcharlotteband @interrupstagram and @lilaaron911 to a SOLD OUT crowd! Day 3 kicks off at noon! Get down and let’s close out this year’s #Musink in style. 🎥: @stratihov @wombatfire @jaymefoxx #Musink2018 #Day2 #SoldOut

Aggiornamento: Nella serata di domenica Travis Barker è salito sul palco anche con The Fever per suonare Hunting Season.

Quick clip from this Sunday of #FamousFamily @travisbarker hopping on the drums for “Hunting Season” with our friends @thefever333. Don’t miss them tonight on @lastcallcd at 1:35am PST on NBC. 🎥: @kevinstuff
#FamousFamily #Musink2018 #TheFever333

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